Sanitary Strainers

Renowned for their durability and ease of cleaning, we proudly offer the widest selection of hygienic Y strainers and L strainers in both standard and high-capacity configurations.

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Hygenitec™ Y-Strainers

Y-strainers include an in-line system that allows workers to clean the strainer without removing it from the piping, assuring safety while also giving bi-directional flow and 360-degree equipment mounting choices.

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Hygenitec™ In-line Strainers

Our In-line strainers showcase simplicity with clean design and direct flow. They easily support tight or narrow spaces. Zero dead leg and fewer parts promote ease in disassembly and cleaning.

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Hygenitec™ L-Strainers

Hygenitec strainers are precision-engineered to pharmaceutical-grade standards and are available in 316L stainless steel or Hastelloy, with in-line cleaning capabilities.

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